Mandatory Messaging Changes the Game for Hockey Alberta: Case Study

Hockey Alberta logo with skater in silhouette. The organization uses Envoke's Mandatory Messaging to improve stakeholder relations.

Hockey Alberta is an essential partner for amateur hockey lovers in that province. From youth leagues to senior competitions, Hockey Alberta governs the sport across Alberta, helping players, coaches, and officials develop their skills and excel at the game. They’re the ones keeping the skates on the ice—so when they faced a communication challenge, they … Read more

Mailchimp Alternative for Emailing Unsubscribed Contacts

Computer screen shows a mailchimp alternative that helps communicators email unsubscribed contacts.

One reason communications professionals search for a Mailchimp alternative is that they need help emailing unsubscribed contacts. Why? While Mailchimp is a terrific marketing tool, with e-commerce integrations and solid email marketing features, it’s made for marketers, not communicators. That means it won’t perform functions like sending bulk emails to all contacts (including those who … Read more

Emailing Your Unsubscribe List? Make Sure They Know Why

Woman reads email containing information about why sender is emailing unsubscribe list.

Occasionally, communicators have to email everyone — including their unsubscribe list — to share information that is quite literally, required reading.  The emails might contain health and safety information, contractual updates, or staff scheduling changes, and many organizations have a contractual or regulatory obligation to send them to all contacts.  Their contacts will receive the … Read more

How to Send Email to Unsubscribed Contacts

Communicator is tring to email unsubscribed contacts on mailing list.

Sometimes communications professionals have to email unsubscribed contacts. If you work for a university, a municipality, or a public sector organization, this task will be familiar to you. Your organization (and others like regulators and associations) may be bound by a contractual, regulatory, or other legal obligation to email all stakeholders essential information. Even unsubscribed … Read more

Sending Email to Your Opt-Out List? Try Mandatory Messaging

Send email to your opt-out list with Envoke's mandatory messaging.

Having trouble sending email to your opt-out list? Don’t panic! Sending emails to unsubscribed contacts is common practice for communications professionals working at universities, municipalities, in public service, or similar organizations. Why? Often, these communicators have a contractual,  regulatory, or other legal obligation to send essential emails their contacts must receive, even if they’re on … Read more