Mandatory Messaging Changes the Game for Hockey Alberta: Case Study

Hockey Alberta logo with skater in silhouette. The organization uses Envoke's Mandatory Messaging to improve stakeholder relations.

Hockey Alberta is an essential partner for amateur hockey lovers in that province. From youth leagues to senior competitions, Hockey Alberta governs the sport across Alberta, helping players, coaches, and officials develop their skills and excel at the game. They’re the ones keeping the skates on the ice—so when they faced a communication challenge, they turned to Envoke’s Mandatory Messaging feature for a solution that ensured their critical messages reached everyone, no matter what.

Reliable Communication is Key for Hockey Alberta’s Operations

As the governing body for all organized amateur ice hockey in the province, Hockey Alberta manages communication for over 450 member organizations and more than 95,000 participants. From monthly newsletters reaching nearly 93,000 people to smaller updates sent to a handful of recipients, their messaging needs are diverse.

Brad Lyon, Senior Manager of IT and Administration at Hockey Alberta, says communication is key to their operations. They send about 15 email campaigns per month, reaching a range of stakeholders including coaches, volunteers, parents, and executive teams. But what happens when those emails, especially the critical ones, don’t reach their intended audience?

The Challenge: Deliver Critical Emails to All Members

Hockey Alberta faced a challenge ensuring that essential messages were delivered to the right people. These emails—official bulletins and status updates—are crucial for keeping the sport running smoothly across the province. If coaches and team managers don’t receive the necessary updates, it can cause significant disruptions, affecting thousands of players and volunteers.

“We had emails that weren’t necessarily going through, or we had no idea if they were going through,” Brad explains. With some member organizations managing thousands of players, missing an important update could broadly affect the sport’s operation in the province. The team needed a solution that would guarantee the delivery of critical information while allowing recipients to opt out of non-essential emails.

Read the full case-study for a closer look at how Hockey Alberta improved stakeholder communication with Envoke’s Mandatory Messaging.

Is your organization looking for a way to deliver essential messages to your entire contact list, even those who have unsubscribed? Envoke might be the right fit for you.  Consider opening a full account for a free trial period. You’ll have access to all our features, including Mandatory Messaging, which lets organizations who have a legal or contractual mandate, send email to everyone on their list, regardless of subscription status. Try us today.

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The Solution: Envoke’s Mandatory Messaging

Enter Envoke. When Hockey Alberta discovered Envoke’s Mandatory Messaging feature, it quickly became the game-changer they were looking for. Envoke’s platform allows Hockey Alberta to ensure that crucial messages are delivered, even if recipients have opted out of general communication. This feature was exactly what they needed to fix their communication challenges.

“Until I came across Envoke, I didn’t know if we would find a solution that would allow us to send mandatory emails while still letting recipients opt out of other types,” says Brad. “Envoke provided the solution.”

Why Envoke?

Envoke offered everything Hockey Alberta needed—reliable email delivery, customizable templates, and better functionality than their previous provider. Plus, being a Canadian company was an added bonus for Brad and his team.

The Results: Reliable Delivery and More

Since adopting Envoke, Hockey Alberta has been able to achieve their communication goals. They now have confidence that their critical messages are getting to the people who need them, whether it’s a league-wide bulletin or an urgent update for a specific group.

“We had a problem we didn’t have a solution for—and Envoke provided that solution,” Brad says.

Envoke might be the right fit for your organization too if you’re looking for a communication solution that delivers—every time. Whether it’s mandatory updates or general newsletters, Envoke ensures your messages get where they need to go, keeping your operations running without a hitch.

Check Out Envoke’s Case Studies:

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