Email creation made easy

Drag & drop, preview & test, send & sit back

Anyone can build, test, preview and send emails that make your content shine on mobile and desktop screens alike using the no-tech-experience-needed email editor.

Maintain a consistent brand experience with email templates

Ensure consistent branding across all email messages. Create custom templates, control editable and locked zones and styles and share templates across multiple departments.

Send personalized emails using dynamic content blocks

Send a single email with different content based on your contacts’ interests. Personalize emails and send each person exactly what they need to see to increase your email engagement rate.

Make past publications accessible

Show some or all sent messages on the hosted email archives page so your contacts can catch up on content they may have missed.

Maximize opens with A/B Testing

Increase your open rates by A/B testing your email campaigns using your sender email, subject line and email pre-header. A small portion of your list will be used to determine which version works better and the winning version is automatically sent to the rest of your list.

Email automations

Greet new subscribers with a welcome email, send a series of automated emails after a form is submitted or send renewal notices or other date based messages automatically.

Real time email engagement reporting

All opens, clicks, unsubscribes, and delivery failures are tracked for every email you send. Drill down to see the list of contacts for each reported item.

You will also see contact list growth over time and gain valuable insights about how subscribers are entering and leaving your lists.

Inbox placement

Our deliverability management tools have been refined for over a decade to maximize inbox placement.

Proper email authentication, stellar sender IP reputation, automated bounce management, feedback loops and monitoring are in place so you can focus on content and leave email delivery to us.

Every email is automatically optimized for mobile view

Envoke’s templates are responsive by default for an optimal viewing experience on any device.

Regardless of browser, email service provider, or device, your email always looks like you meant it.

A mobile preview mode is available to double-check your email before you hit send.

Start a 30 day trial

Start a fully loaded trial account

30 days free access:

Let’s discuss your requirements to establish or rule out a fit.

Trial accounts include full support and all functionality.