Send Mandatory Emails Even to Unsubscribed Contacts

Mandatory Messaging lets communications professionals easily meet their contractual or legal obligations to send emails that contacts are required to receive. With Mandatory Messaging, unsubscribing is not an option.

Mandatory Messaging: Only at Envoke

Mandatory Messaging is Not Offered by Mailchimp or Constant Contact

Unique to Envoke, our Mandatory Messaging feature is a vital tool for organizations with contractual or legal obligations to send emails to stakeholders regardless of their subscription status. Mandatory Messaging is not offered by Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or any other email marketing platform.

The challenge with unsubscribing

“People are unsubscribing from messages they're required to receive as part of their involvement with our organization.”

“People who unsubscribe don't realize they are unsubscribed from everything, then call us asking why they aren't receiving important messages."

Who Can Use Mandatory Messaging?

Any Envoke customer who can demonstrate a legal or contractual obligation to deliver emails that contacts must receive can request the Mandatory Messaging feature through our Professional billing plan. Organizations including regulatory bodies, associations, educational institutions, health agencies, municipalities, and public sector offices rely on this feature to ensure their mandatory content is delivered when required. Common use cases include:
  • Internal Announcements: Critical company updates for employees
  • Safety Communications: Product recalls or urgent safety notices
  • Public Alerts: Emergency notifications or vital public health information
  • Educational Updates: Program changes or schedule adjustments for students
  • Terms of Service: Important modifications to user agreements
Anyone sending mandatory emails with Envoke must provide the contractual or regulatory reason that requires or allows them to send mandatory email, including a link to a document that verifies this reason. The reason and link you provide will be shown in the footer of every mandatory email you send.

Mandatory Consent is Separate from Opt-In Consent

Mandatory Messaging is crucial for sending essential emails that organizations are obligated to send. But that doesn’t mean your contacts cannot opt-out from optional mail. Envoke’s mandatory consent setting lets you differentiate between opt-in and mandatory consent to send email. Use Envoke’s fully customizable Subscription Preferences page to educate and inform your stakeholders about opt-in subscription choices, and mandatory messages they must receive.

Give your Contacts Options

Every mandatory message links to a page where contacts can request to be removed from your Mandatory Messaging list. Contacts cannot self-serve unsubscribe from Mandatory Messaging, so this page lets them explain why they'd like to be removed - perhaps they have moved or retired, for example. Each request must be reviewed by an admin in your organization. By opening a dialogue, you reduce the chances your contacts will mark your emails as spam.

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