Stay fully on brand with all emails, forms and hosted pages

From links to logos, colours to content you’re in full control
of your content’s appearance

Fully branded email messages

Prevent users from accidentally changing parts of your templates that need to remain unchanged by locking sections to be only editable by admins.

Beyond customizing the main email content in the drag and drop editor you can also create your custom footer to match the styles in your message. 

Email preference management: custom content, custom styles

The email preference management page is where your contacts manage their email settings – and relationship – with you. This page serves as an extension to your email and website. You have full control over the content and styles customization.

Use your own domain

Replace our domain with yours on public pages such as the email preferences page and the email archives page as well as in tracking links (visible when contacts hover over links in emails). A custom domain helps brand recognition for contacts and can even reduce unsubscribe rates as contacts don’t suspect potential scamming from a third party domain they may not recognize.

Forms that seamlessly integrate with your website

You know those forms that look like they are hosted by a third party app and use styles that don’t fit in with the website around them? Those are the kind of forms you don’t get with Envoke. Your forms are customizable to seamlessly blend in with your design and attract new subscribers.

No Envoke logo anywhere

You can turn off the Envoke logo even with the standard billing plan.

Multiple departments?

If you need different branding within your organization for different departments then subaccounts as sub-brands are a good fit.

Start a 30 day trial

Start a fully loaded trial account

30 days free access:

Let’s discuss your requirements to establish or rule out a fit.

Trial accounts include full support and all functionality.