Customize your email content based on your recipients’ interest

Increase email engagement and reduce unsubscribes by sending content that’s relevant to every contact on your list

With dynamic content you can send a single email that includes different content for various segments of your audience. 

Eliminate the time consuming task of creating multiple email campaigns with similar content and the risk of sending duplicates.

Manage relationships, not just unsubscribes

More than just an unsubscribe page, the Email Preferences Page is fully customized to include custom text, branding, optional and mandatory subscriptions, permission settings, profile update and language preferences. Empower your contacts to fully understand what type of messages they’ll receive from you and why and manage their preferences in a way that fits your email communication strategy.

Unlimited segmentation

Every billing plan includes unlimited subscription lists, supplemented by unlimited internal tagging options and custom fields to handle data specific to your organization. Unlimited segmentation allows you to select the most relevant target list for your content.

Grow your list

Create compliant forms in minutes that seamlessly integrate with your web pages.

Whether you’re asking for an email address only or collecting subscription preferences and interests, the form builder generates user-friendly and accessible forms ready to be embedded on any website or shown on a hosted landing page.

Start a 30 day trial

Start a fully loaded trial account

30 days free access:

Let’s discuss your requirements to establish or rule out a fit.

Trial accounts include full support and all functionality.