CASL compliance, the best there is

We use the word “best” sparingly but when it comes to CASL compliant email marketing and communication we’re confident that Envoke has the best functionality – and by a wide margin, too. Have a read:

Track a wide variety of consent states: Express, implied based on inquiry, implied based on transaction, implied without expiry, expired, unsubscribed, unknown, spam reported.

Expiry data management is automated. Implied consent, where applicable, expires automatically and contacts whose consent expired are excluded from future email campaigns automatically.

Import contacts with any consent status from another system. No need to re-confirm consent.

Import the original consent acquisition date to ensure accuracy for tracking expiry of implied consent statuses. This option lets you back-date the consent acquisition date so instead of the import date, consent is tracked from the actual data when consent was acquired.

Protection of existing consent data: Contacts with express consent and those who are unsubscribed in your account retain their consent status upon import so you don’t (accidentally) re-subscribe them or downgrade the coveted express consent status.

Manual override by administrators to correct errors and make changes to consent settings in bulk.

Automated consent expiry reminder emails help reduce the number of contacts whose consent expires. No manual filtering and sending required. Reminders are fully automated.

The dynamic consent request button is shown in emails to ask contacts to confirm their subscription (provide express consent). This is only shown for contacts who haven’t yet provided express consent. Another automation to help minimize loss of contacts due to consent expiry.

Send regulatory communications for contacts who are contractually or otherwise obligated to receive emails from you – even if they are unsubscribed from other, optional subscriptions.

Auto-detect country by IP in form submissions to ensure only Canadian contacts are subject to CASL.

The default country setting in your account takes care applying (or disabling) CASL rules for contacts whose country field is unknown.

Customize the preferences page where your contacts manage their subscription and consent settings. Add your logo, custom text, update labels and even use your own domain for the best contact experience. This page is available in English and French.

Customizable footers in emails mean you can use your wording that satisfies your compliance officer and styles that match your email design.

A complete audit trail tracks all consent changes for every contact, not just their most recent consent status. Self-serve consent management by your contacts ensures they can update their preferences at any time and this is reflected in the system real time.

Collect express consent on forms using a “consent checkbox” with customizable wording. The consent checkbox can be hidden if required since CASL doesn’t make it mandatory to display it at all times.

Sync your contacts from your CRM to the Envoke database using our APIs. You can update their consent status during each API call.

Send consent changes back to your CRM from Envoke. For example when someone unsubscribes in Envoke you can feed this back to your CRM system.

Contacts outside Canada? No problem. CASL, GDPR or the US-based “opt out system” is automatically applied for each contact record based on their country field.

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