CASL compliance

Compliance, security and privacy are three key areas our Canadian clients deeply care about. So do we.

In addition to CASL compliance features that fully automate and accommodate even special cases, you get peace of mind of a secure environment and data storage on Canadian servers.

Data in Canada

All your data is stored on Canadian servers including backups.

Display all contact facing pages in English and French.

CASL compliance is automated with a slew of customization options

Send CASL compliant emails

Put CASL compliance on auto-pilot with comprehensive CASL compliance tools:

Envoke’s compliance features automatically collect, update and track consent changes to keep you compliant by default.


In addition to express consent and unsubscribes, various types of implied consent are tracked, including management of rolling expiry dates, so you don’t have to keep track of this manually.

Mitigate loss of contacts due to expiry of consent by sending automated expiry reminders and consent request emails.

All consent changes for every contact are logged for a complete audit trail.

Edge cases? No problem. We handle special cases and exceptions and you can override default behaviour as needed.

CASL functionality comparison of email marketing companies

Feature Non-Canadian email platforms
Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, etc.
Envoke Cyberimpact Campaigner

How do we help you comply with CASL?

Envoke’s compliance features automatically collect, track, and upgrade to express consent under CASL.

All types of implied consent expiry dates are tracked to automatically suppress emails where consent is no longer valid.

All consent changes are also logged for a complete audit trail.

We provide mandatory emails option to allow you to send messages to contacts who are contractually obligated to receive emails even if they didn’t opt-in.

Additionally, Envoke automatically detects and manages your contacts according to the rules of their governing country to accurately comply with foreign country legislation such as GDPR (EU) and Can-SPAM (US).

Want to discuss how Envoke can keep
your communications compliant?

Start a 30 day trial

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Let’s discuss your requirements to establish or rule out a fit.

Trial accounts include full support and all functionality.